Thursday 1 October 2009

'That's What Friends Are For'

Heathen Massive UK, Gospel Dance Music for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Supporter. Feel free to donate to

RE: Hey There‏
From: Yvonne Stewart-Williams (
Sent: 28 September 2009 14:29:13

Hi dearest Linda,

Thank you for your e-mail.

I don't know how long I am going to be in hosptal. I have been here since 20th August 2009. My line manager and manager are going to physically visit me on Friday 2nd October 2009 and my friend Birgit is going to visit me on Sunday 4th October 2009.

I have my suspicions that I will still be in here for my birthday on 13th October 2009. But hopefully I will be released soon after if not before. I am desparate to get to a meeting.

Much love


Subject: Re: Hey There
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 21:15:50 -0400

im ok thanks

when will you be out of hospital then

-----Original Message-----
From: Yvonne Stewart-Williams
Sent: Thu, Sep 24, 2009 5:24 pm
Subject: Hey There

Hey there sweet Linda,

There you go again in your usual way, rescuing me. Me telling you all about what is happening for me...

How are you? your Dad? Your mum? your Daughter? K'leen?

I am sorry to be so self obsessed and dragging you into all of the drama, chaos and in the end self-pity.

I hope that you know that I love you lots. That you are very special to me and I always want you around me because I respect you and think the world of you! Warts an' all.

Subject: FW: Greetings!
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 19:34:23 +0100

D earest Linda,

I sincerely hope that I have not frightened you away, with the baby love history.

To be honest, I did try throughout this five years of being in love with Carolyn to find a suitable alternative love interest. For instance, I subscribed to one year of 'Gaydar Girls', and dined out at Fortnum & Mason's' for afternoon tea, with one woman that I had met from that online dating service.

It can appear as if I was dragging my feet over finding a suitable girlfriend, by staying celibate for six years and seem as if I was doing nothing. But, I was and am lovelorn and broken inside and couldn't, can't keep verbalizing it. In a way things had to come to a head for me to find some peace within.

I don't know what my future holds as far as 'Love' is concerned. I just know that I love Carolyn and if she was available, I would be on top of the world. I guess that I am similar to everyone else and would like a monogamous, caring, productive, loving, sexually stimulating, honest, respectful, romantic relationship with a woman built on trust.

I want to cuddle up with that someone special and be hugged by that someone special. I have a reputation for giving the best hugs in NA. Yet I have never even shook hands with Carolyn let alone given her one of my hugs! It's sad really Linda, not that I cry myself to sleep or anything like that, but it is along those lines.

I so want to walk in your footsteps Linda but it's so hard. I know that I won't try hard enough with the wrong woman. I won't accept abuse. I have to love her.

From: yvonnepa
Subject: RE: Greetings!
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 13:32:40 +0100

Okay Linda, here we go,

To understand how I ended up in prison, I need to take you back just over five years.

I had been in this same psychiatric hospital. Feeling like Urma Thurman in the Tarrantino movie 'Kill Bill' after social services had removed my only beloved biological son James from my full time care. I was assigned Ros Ramsey, a female Consultant Psychiatrist for the first time and after initially not caring one way or another because I was too distraught. I noticed her professionalism and idiosyncratic approach. Developed an unrequited crush and became smitten. By the time I came off my section I was writing to her in prose and poetry. Although I could not remember what colour her eyes were and at this stage in time, I cannot remember what she looks like b ut I still remember her professionalism.

Then, when I got my son back a few months later, and I took him back to his Rudolf Steiner School and met some new parents. One of which was Carolyn Cowan [HUGO] She introduced herself to me. I didn't think anything of it especially as I could not remember her christian name! and kept calling her Caroline. Carolyn offered to give my son and myself lifts to school on the school runs, invited me to her home for meals with her husband, family and friends, and events. I purchased her DVD's and goods from her online stores and her shop and my son played with her two children Louis HUGO and Isadora HUGO and I took her son Louis out on excursions with my son James.

After dining with Carolyn, I emailed her and told her that I adored her. Carolyn explained that she felt my actions were harassment. That news was relayed through my son's school to my psychiatrist & Mental Health Social Worker and I was spoken to about it. Carolyn distanced herself and then things resumed as per us ual but I was then hospitalised again in this psychiatric hospital.

This time I did not get my son back and I was not allowed to return to his school. But I continued to pay my son's school fees.

When I went into recovery I placed Carolyn on my step four but by the time it came to it I knew I did not want to make amends and contacted her again. I started buying things again from her shop and buying things and sending them to her ie flowers, e-mails, texts, cards... Then one day I rang to make a work related suggestion and she answered the phone and told me for the second time that she felt my actions were harassment.

I went to her shop, she called the police I was arrested and a form for harassment notice was served. I returned to her shop two days later having warne d Carolyn I would break the notice and was again arrested. Spent the night in a police cell. Went to court the next morning and could tell the judge that I would stay away from Carolyn and went to prison. remained on remand and was sent back here again to this psychiatric hospital. Unrepentant, Unremorseful with no regrets.

Thats about it.

Much love


Subject: Re: Greetings!
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 23:23:20 -0400

hi there a
so why dont you fill me in in the email let me know what has happened to you write like a baby life story
how did you end up in a jail

lots of love to you

-----Original Message-----
From: Yvonne Stewart-Williams
Sent: Thu, Sep 17, 2009 6:22 pm
Subject: RE: Greetings!

Dearest Linda,

Lovely to hear from you. Fabulous news that you are abroad. Hopefully with plenty of sun.

I truly am sorry that I worried you. I feel better now that I have made contact with you. I visualize you and I feel reassured that one day at a time, things will work out.

Thank you for being you.

Much love


To: yvonnepatriciastewart-williams@
Subject: Re: Greetings!
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 08:12:09 -0400

hi there got your message but oiut of the country will call you when back in two weeks but you can email me pleased you are ok as i was worrioed about you

much love linda s

0A-----Original Message-----
From: Yvonne Stewart-Williams
Sent: Tue, Sep 15, 2009 4:40 am
Subject: Greetings!

Hi Linda,

Are you okay?

Got over the shock of me yet?

Much love

Yvonne oxo


From: Yvonne Stewart-Williams (
Sent: 28 September 2009 14:33:39
To: Ken Todd-Earlam (

Hi Ken,

Thank you for your e-mail.

Yes, please inform my colleagues where I am. I would like that. Thank you for asking.

Kindest regards


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 09:35:34 +0100

Hi Yvonne,
Thanks for this.

I have given your regards to your colleagues -- what I have not done is informed them of your current whereabouts. Is this okay to do?

See you Friday.

Best wishes,

From: Yvonne Stewart-Williams []
Sent: 26 September 2009 16:08
To: Ken Todd-Earlam

Hi Ken,

It's great to hear from you.

I am looking forward to your visit with Emma this forthcoming Friday. Fantastic!

I think I have the office keys attached to my personal keys in the patients safe, on the ward, here at the hospital.

My work phone is at my abode. I am happy for you and Emma to visit my home and collect it for the seconded worker.

Have a Great week and see you both on Friday. Regards to all my other colleagues.

Kindest regards


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 18:03:43 +0100

Hello Yvonne,

Hope this finds you well.

I am sorry I missed your two p[hone calls. Good to hear that you are feeling in a good space.

I plan to visit you on Friday October 2nd. between 2pm & 5pm.
If possible, I need to get your work phone and office keys as we currently have a short-term secondment filling your post.

I plan to bring Emma along with me.

I hope this is okay with you.

Pleasae let me know if you will not be available for as visit during that time.

Best wishes,


From: Yvonne Stewart-Williams []
Sent: 09 September 2009 17:59
To: Ken Todd-Earlam


Apologies. Es3 ward visiting hours are:

Mornings - 10:00 - 11.30

Afternoon - 14:00 - 17:00

Evenings - 18:30 - 20:00

Kindest regards


Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2009 15:03:16 +0100

Thanks Yvonne,

I will check when I am able to visit, and let you know.

Best wishes,


From: Yvonne Stewart-Williams []
Sent: 07 September 2009 14:57
To: Ken Todd-Earlam

Hi Ken,

The visiting hours are 15:00 to 20:00

Kindest regards


Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2009 10:29:50 +0100

Hi Yvonne,

Good to hear from you and to know that you are eating / sleeping well.

What are the visiting hours there?


From: Yvonne Stewart-Williams []
Sent: 05 September 2009 17:01
To: Ken Todd-Earlam



When you visit, please could bring me some DVD with a Gay Theme genre?

Thanking you in advance


Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2009 14:38:30 +0100

Dear Ken,

Thank you for your letter dated 1st September 2009, with enclosed stamped addressed envelope.

I was transferred to ES3- Elleen Skellen Three Women only, single roomed locked Ward from HMP- Her Majesty's Prison Holloway Women's prison on Thursday 20th August 2009, via a court Section 37 [S37]. Now I am just a Maudsley hospital inpatient.
My trifluoperazine [Stelazine] anti-psychotic sugar-free oral liquid medication has been increased twice since my arrival and by the time you read this letter, it will have been increased to 25mls at night.

It may come as no surprise, when I say I am sleeping soundly and eating very well. Although I am missing my M&S- Marks & Spencer Bacon, sandwich. lemon cheesecake. Pomegranate juice and Assorted licorice sweets. Aside from this I am fit and well. I have been able to use the ward's IT suite and I am well looked after. I am able to use my Apple MacBook laptop and my ipod touch and classic. I have not seen my son or heard from him via Lambeth's Children's Looked After Team for almost four months. I have no idea what his school education arrangements are... I trust that he will not experience bullying or peer group pressure due to my Ex prisoner / Ex Offender's status.

Regarding my cherished card which I received from my colleagues, THANK YOU. Please forward my e-mail address so that they can correspond with me from work. That would make my day. I know they are busy, so what ever they can write would be respected.

I look forward to your visit. Choose a time which can accommodate your outlook calendar.

Kindest regards


FW: Southwark Mind LGBT project‏
From: Yvonne Stewart-Williams (
Sent: 28 September 2009 14:40:38

Dear Denise,

Hope all is well with you.

Thank you for cc'ing me into this e-mail. I am very interested in your proposal and will do everything that I can to help.

It was great to see you again. As I said when I saw you, stay in touch.

Much love


Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 16:09:40 +0000
Subject: Southwark Mind LGBT project

HI Dax,
I'm sure you remember the Rainbow Resource which was a small LGBT group for people in Southwark who use mental health services or experience mental distresss. The group was run by its users. For a number of reasons we were unable to keep it going but not before it became a Southwak Mind project where it has remained dormant. We now want to rekindle it, (although with a different name, we're presently referring to it as the LGBT project until we've found a new name!) We have decided that such a project can't function without a paid development worker and we think they would need to work 2 - 2 1/2 days a week. I don't know what you know about Southwark Mind but it's run entirely by survivors/users of the psychiatric system or people who experience mental distress but have never been in the system. All our paid workers are survivors and we run loads of successful projects, do lots of campaigning work etc. One of our projects is the Southwark User Council. This consists of 14 users who represent other users in various projects including psychiatric in-patient wards and we have representatives on the Southwark Mental Health Partnership Board. The User council is at the forefront of user involvement in Southwark and is invariably consulted by service providers. However, there is no LGBT rep on the User Council. This is an example of one of the things we want to address but can't do so until we've got our group up and running.

Although Southwark Mind would manage the project, for all sorts of reasons I think we should be looking beyond the mental health survivors community towards the LGBT community to support this project. For one thing any development worker outreaching into places like day centres and hospitals can be subject to some nasty homophobia (I know, I've tried it) and outreach work would be a large part of the developemnt worker's role. As such it might be helpful if the worker was supported by more than one organisation. (Southwark Mind are not experts in dealing with homophobia and LGBT community input would be helpful). People with mental health problems can feel excluded from mainstream communities and I'm afraid that can even include the LGBT community. Who knows, the activities of the group could even include mental health awareness within the LGBT community.

Phew! So that's story. The questions are these: Do you know any organisation that might be interested in puting in a joint bid with Southwark Mind for this project? We plan to set up a Focus Group to demonstrate the need for such a project for the purposes of puting in a bid. Hopefully the focus group will be in Decmeber - S Mind would fund the focus group. Do you know of anyone who might want to be involved in helping us with this? Can you think of anyone in the LGBT community who might be interested in helping out with setting up this project? They needn't be professionals in any way, just someone with time on their hands who might want to help out. All of us LGBT survivors can be a bit fragile at times and this has slowed us down in getting this project off the ground and S Mind workers are currently tied up with funding and other issues relating to existing projects but recognise that an LGBT project is desparately needed. We could use all the help we can get.

Best wishes
Denise McKenna
Southwak MInd


RE: Peacjavascript:;e One Day‏
From: Yvonne Stewart-Williams (
Sent: 01 October 2009 10:20:51
To: Birgit Rapp (

Hi dearest Birgit,

Thank you for your e-mail.

I enjoyed talking to you on Sunday. I hope that your leg is a bit better. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Much love


Subject: RE: Peacjavascript:;e One Day
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 18:09:00 +0000

Hi Yvonne,

It was so lovely to talk to you over the phone on Sunday.

I am looking forward to visiting you this coming Sunday - I will be there at 2pm - can't wait to see you.

Sorry for the rushed e-mail - my internet at home is still not working and I am leaving work now...
just a quick Hello and see you very soon.

Lots of love and strength

Birgit 21
Sept For Peace Day on 21 September...
I will tell everyone about peace one day and celebrate at the royal albert hall on 21 september What will you do? Visit

Subject: RE: Peacjavascript:;e One Day
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 16:12:38 +0100

Hi Birgit,

Thank you for your e-mail.

Great News. My boss Ken and Emma, my line manager are going to visit me on Friday 2nd October 2009. Between 2pm-5pm.

I look forward to hearing from you via telephone on Sunday.

Lots of love



RE: One Day At A Time‏
From: Yvonne Stewart-Williams (
Sent: 01 October 2009 14:19:46
To: Nicole Veash (

Hi Nicole,

I am truly pleased that you are thrilled with my honest assessment of your coaching style.

Just letting you know, I have seen the psychiatrists and ,the answer sadly is No to my being released before my birthday. Oh well, can't get everything I want when I want it.

I look forward to hearing from you again, when you find some moments to spare.

Kindest regards


Subject: RE: One Day At A Time
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 13:53:43 +0100

Hi Yvonne

Thanks so much for your response. I am really thrilled by what you have written and so pleased that my coaching style has worked for you.

I will pass your contact details on to Radar.

I will fill you in on the dissertation another time – slightly weighed under with work right now! Remind me if I forget.

I am going to send you good thoughts and hope you will be out well before your birthday. I don’t practise Buddhism, but I find their philosophy and approach to life very generative. Meditation is very helpful too. Calming and gives me a sense of space.

Let me know what happens won’t you.

Thank you so much again


Nicole Veash

Home Office

Reform Team

Strategy and Reform Directorate

0207 035 6751

-----Original Message-----
From: Yvonne Stewart-Williams []
Sent: 01 October 2009 11:35 AM
To: Veash Nicole
Subject: RE: One Day At A Time

Dear Nicole,

Thank you for your e-mail.

It is lovely to hear from you. I think that it is fantastic to hear you using buddhist philosophy as a way forward for positive healing. I am also pleased that you are into trees and can appreciate their soothing qualities.

As for mental health, I am tiring of the institutionalisation and could personally do with practicing a bit of buddhism myself as, It is my birthday on the 13th of this month and I would like to have been released before then. My managers from my Thames Reach employers are physically visiting me tomorrow afternoon and I am hoping to see my psychiatrist today.

In addition thank you for your short conscise explanation of your dissertation. After a very brief contemplation, I have decided to accept your invitation of a more generous helping. To be honest, to me the topic of your dissertation is so YOU: Communication, Clarification and Appropriate Effective Explanation and Execution. In corporate settings. To be quite frank it takes me back to your effective Radar coaching.

Which was, Outstanding because:

You were - Appropriate. Punctual. Prepared. Flexible. Professional. Compassionate. Intelligent. Resourceful. Honest.

You were a hard task master, but I was always sure that I was the centre of your focus. You allowed me to locate and concentrate my mind on the task in hand, and that was to achieve the maximum within that time we spent together, with far reaching effective consequences.

You had the superior quality of being able to unearth skills in me that I had hidden under a bushel and forgotten. You sowed new seeds in my mind and showed me how to nurture and grow them. You inspired confidence and produced the correct balance between 'carrot and stick'. You were NO nanny. You inspired results, you conveyed this and got them.

You have a great sense of humour and your appearence is easy on the eye.

Nicole the aforementioned is a synopsis of your attributes as a Radar coach. I am happy to write more, but I don't want people to think that you are bribing me.

Write again when you can find some time

Kindest regards


P.s you can inform Radar of my current e-mail address.


Subject: RE: One Day At A Time
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 09:15:06 +0100

Dear Yvonne

It is good to hear from you again. Yes I have been taking things slowly, in fact I have rather enjoyed and embraced being more tortoise like. In a Buddhist way it is a much calmer existence than being hare-brained all the time!

I’m so pleased that you are being well treated. I hear difficult things about mental health service so I am pleased that you are being treated humanely and with respect and dignity. I love trees and am not averse to the odd tree stroking!

My dissertation is on dialogue in organisations. It sounds a bit rarefied but it isn’t really. It is about how we can have those peak moments of connection with people in the workplace, what happens when we do and how we might have more of these experiences.

Will tell you more about it if you are interested.

Also, can I please ask a favour. Radar has asked me to get some coaching client feedback. Would you be able to send me a few paragraphs on email? I would be really grateful.

Keep me posted with news

Kind regards


Nicole Veash

Home Office

Reform Team

Strategy and Reform Directorate

0207 035 6751

-----Original Message-----
From: Yvonne Stewart-Williams []
Sent: 17 September 2009 6:59 PM
To: Veash Nicole
Subject: One Day At A Time

Dear Nicole,

It truly is a joy to hear from you. Thank You.

I am over-the-moon with the great results you expressed from your operation. I sincerely trust that you will listen to your body and take things as slow as you need to.

Then of course there is your masters dissertation. Looks, body and brains. Hmmm Seems to be a rare combination in the women of modernity. As such your type is sssscarce, and a welcomed breath of fresh air. When you feel up to it do let me know what your dissertation was on. I am most interested. Besides it is going to be fun watching you try to keep your composure, whilst I sort and locate your explanation out from the fogginess of my anti-psychotic medication and inexperience.

How indeed is the NHS treating me? With the best Health Service in the World, free at the point of delivery for Nationals, I am truly satisfied. To suggest anything less would indeed be self pitying. In fact today, I went for a change of air out in the enclosed garden with the smokers [although I am Not a smoker]. It almost turned into a tree hugging experience,[my choice].

I trust that you and yours, like me and mine are in great shape.

Stay in touch

Fond regards


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